The Eclectic Author
I'm eclectic because life is not meant to be lived in one genre.

Hi there, or as they say here in Florida "Hola a todos!" Thank you for visiting my web page.
I am a proud mother of 8 children, a grandmother of 19, and a devoted wife to 1 amazing man. I'm a Minnesota girl who moved here long enough to call myself a Floridan, but I can't let go of the "Ya Sure Yabetcha," in me. I began writing the day after my oldest son said he was heading away for college. It was then that it hit me that I would be on my own some day, and I needed something to keep me busy. I'm not very crafty. My cooking all comes from a box. My singing sends bystanders to the hills. I can't draw a straight line if my life depended on it. All I knew of life was being a mom. (I actually published a true life essay called "The Career I Never Knew I Always Wanted." I'll put it in my blog one of these days.
One day, my sisters revealed their fondness for my embellished, yet truthful, letters regarding my life. So I thought I'd give writing a try. Turns out I really enjoy it. Some say I'm pretty good at it, too. I'll let you decide. I am getting better with each story.
I still work full-time in a law office, so writing is a slow process for me. I'm learning to shut off the TV, put down the latest book I'm reading about writing, to work on my creative masterpieces. I'd love to have your friendship as I wander through this journey. Thank you again.